Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh yeah...I do that

So I can add hosting a mutual at my house to my list of things that I do. I have entered a new realm!


alex said...

Fun Fun! I bet you are the "cool" leader!

The Scotts said...

Wow Jenna! Isn't it weird when you become the leader? I remember thinking I was way too young to do that.

YEA on your 5k! How did it go? I would love to do the one in Jan and March with you. I told Summer I think that the 10k is calling my name on Jan 31st and not the half mile. She is trying to convince me to do it but I just don't see myself adding a mile each week. We shall see!!

Amy said...

I'm POSITIVE that you're the "cool" leader, Jenna. Your girls look so young to me...I'm sure mine look just as young, but I guess I'm just used to them!

{Morgan Burt} said...

Wow, looks like they're having a fun time playing "Hold to the Rod." lol I've never heard of it before but all I gotta say is... "classic."